Flyers generally go hand to hand in a public place along with a smile and a few words from the distributor. Leaflets are intended for unaccompanied distribution ie from a desktop or through a letterbox with only the info contained on the media.
From design to delivery we can send your messages physically to your prospective clients. Our staff are happy going door to door or standing in a public place distributing – with permission from the relevant authority or landlord of course.
We would like to operate a regular distribution service to every home (Over 65,000 in 2011) In Blackpool at least once a month.
Whilst we establish this service we are happy to offer postcode areas around the Blackpool area for smaller distribution runs of 500 and above to residential properties.
We would also advise 500 as being the minimum number of flyers used in any physical street or shopping centre campaign too.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of flyering or leafleting please call us on 07562 269 826 or email