We’ve got a large local audience to present you to – and we know our audience well so let us design a campaign for them on your behalf.

Campaigns come in all shapes and sizes tailored to specific audiences.

A simple campaign could consist of 3 different post types with one specific goal in mind – publicised a total of 6-10 times each over a 6 week period or longer. A typical campaign like this could cost from £90 to £150.

If you know what you want to achieve – we will give you a price to achieve that or as close as possible as we can replicate. If you don’t know what You want – we can help you to make a decision based on the budget you have available.

Just like with any form of Marketing an element of testing and modification may be required but we include this in our pricing.

You may also choose to supplement your online campaign with a Physical campaign like a mail shot or poster campaign. We can help you to decide which route would be best for you to persue.

Please get in touch with us about any form of publicity or advertising campaign that you want help with.

Email Go@BPLAPP.co.uk or call us on 07562 269 826 to discuss your campaign with BPL APP.