Simply put – There’s information that you will find useful – about us and about the industry we work in. This blog is one of the interfaces between us and YOU – our audience. It’s our space where we control the content. If it’s got some value to You – You’ll likely come back for more.
We’ve spent the past 8 years figuring out what content works best in different places online. We can use the knowledge and skills we’ve developed over that time to benefit you and your brand.
The word Blog is a contraction of Web Log. An entry in your own public journal. Like a Captains Log if you like. It’s important to maintain a Blog in order to help your website appear in more online searches for different terms.
By writing regularly in Your own blog you can cover much more content than if your website only consists of a set number of pages with text that doesn’t change. It allows you to move with current trends.
Blog entries don’t have to go on for thousands of words; In fact it’s best to keep it short and sweet – around 300 words is ideal.
Images and Graphics

It’s helpful to use images and graphics to help demonstrate your specific points and a BLOG is just another place you can publish your online content that’s been created for you or by you.
To find out more about our social media e-learning or about any of our products or services like Social Media Management – please contact us at or call us today on 07562 269 826