For most small businesses a website can be an extra 2-4 hours a week work that you just can’t manage to squeeze in. It’s not necessarily going to make all the difference in your marketing pursuits but over time – just like any aspect of your marketing mix – your online assets can start working and earning for you.

BUT – getting started can be a confusing time for business owners who are already busy steering their own ship to success. So depending on your needs we can build and populate your website for you for as little as £30 per week which includes us updating an article per week on your blog. The more you want us to do – the more it’s going to cost weekly.

The blog (web-log) articles we create and post for you will each have a specific keyword based around what you do – and in turn the continual work on the website will help to increase the importance of your website on google and other search engines – where people will find you.

Some businesses just need a place to post their latest menu online – other people want to advertise all their products and take online payments. Not all websites are created equally. So if you just want a basic online presence with a bit of a weekly blog posting service included – we have got the basic package for you.

Most small businesses need a few basic things on their website – and we can make it all happen for you. We will even make sure your business is listed correctly on the main search engines so that all the links come back to you. If you want us to represent you on social media in the same way too we can also add this service into your weekly payments.

Firstly we’re going to need a domain name – like the registration tag for the website so people know it’s us when they type it in – so people can find your website easily on the internet. This will also become the end of your new email address when we’re set up. Most domain names cost less than a tenner per year – but we would sort all that out for you included in the weekly fee. The email addresses can be installed by us on your phone or computer for an installation fee – but if you’re competent to do it yourself we will provide you will all the details for up to 10 email addresses. More will cost slightly more on your weekly fee.

The cost of building and maintaining your website is also included in the weekly fee. And when it comes to renewing the domain next year – that’s going to be included too as long as it’s a standard extension like – when your business needs to expand – we will include certain changes to your website in the weekly fee – but any major changes or online e-commerce solutions will require an adjustment in the weekly fee to represent extra work undertaken but all will be discussed with you before making any decisions.

So once we’ve created the framework and set up the domain on our hosting account – we will create the most relevant pages for your business based on this list below.

  • Home page – with the most important information laid out in an easy to understand format for your customers.
  • About page – with all relevant info about your business and possibly about your team
  • Portfolio – examples of your work you want to use to attract new clients.
  • Gallery – Pictures and or video of your work, projects or products. We can also consult with you on photography or videography services.
  • Case studies – Where you can demonstrate your insurances and qualifications along with your ability to succeed in given tasks. This can help paint a more intricate picture of your operating methods and your expertise in your field.
  • Testimonials – Your business should be collecting reviews from clients as standard with all modern businesses. Whether it’s on TripAdvisor or google business, Facebook or any other platform – you should have somewhere that people can have their say about your business. This page would help people create their own reviews – link to external sources and also display the reviews you’re most proud of.
  • Products / Services – You want to tell people the most important and exciting aspects about your products and services and this it the page we do it on. It’s possible that more pages will be needed for additional information but for specialist requirements an additional fee might be added on weekly subject to our discussions.
  • Contact page – quickest and easiest ways customers can contact you.
  • Terms and conditions – your websites terms and conditions AND your standard terms of business should be available for all your customers to see on one page. You would also include details of your complaints and returns procedures and any other relevant information.
  • Frequently Asked Questions – If your website is to serve as an online marketing tool – it should contain intelligence. When a question pops up for a particular client – you can use anonymized FAQs to help other people who may also have that question.
  • Blog roll / Feed – this is the place we publish the posts that will help your website to be found in a higher position on search engines.
  • Custom pages – For any other custom pages we can discuss the individual creation fee for said pages. You might want to include an interactive map or a search function or booking system for your services. We can undertake a variety of different tasks related to your online presence and will be happy to discuss fees for services which might have one off payments or can be included in your weekly fee.

Get Started NOW

Get in touch right now to get your website started with BPL A.P.P – All you need to do is

  • email us or
  • call 07562 269 826