Publicity or Public Relations (PR) simply means the interface between you and your audience or target market. ie the general public.

This can take many different forms – from in person representation, printed publicity or publicity tools published online. Every business should be using a mix of publicity tools to spread awareness about what you’re doing in your local area.

There are publicity tools that have been used for decades that still work effectively – and the way technology is moving – there will be no end to publicity tools in formats not yet invented – in the future.

We’re here to help you decide which tools will work for you and how to go about creating them. In many cases we can create the content and tools you need in house.

From the very basics – all the way through to content creation and video editing – we’ve got publicity ideas for you to experiment and use on your own social platforms – as well as having our own network of local online followers to present your publicity tools and marketing media to.

Physical Publicity Tools & Branding

Each item opens in a new Tab – click below to find out more.

Digital Publicity

For items not covered by a link – please contact us directly to discuss your needs.

Get Started NOW

Get in touch right now to get your first campaign started with BPL A.P.P – All you need to do is

  • email us or
  • call 07562 269 826